• 10:42
  • Tuesday ,07 August 2012

Liberation Party: Dahshur Incident is to be Repeated for State Can't Perform its Duties

by Girgis Bushra

Top Stories


Tuesday ,07 August 2012

Liberation Party: Dahshur Incident is to be Repeated for State Can't Perform its Duties

Ahmed Rasim al-Nafis, the Shiite leader and head of Tahrir (Liberation) Party, has condemned the crime of sectarian violence against the Copts of Dahshur in Giza governorate, which lead to the forced displacement of 120 Coptic families.

Al-Nafis told Copts United that such crime will be repeated again and again as long as Egyptian authorities can't perform their duties.

He called the Egyptian Interior Ministry to arrest those perpetrators and compensate the Copts of Dahshur for their losses.