• 01:00
  • Friday ,21 June 2013

Interior Minister vows to prevent violence against police on 30 June

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Saturday ,22 June 2013

Interior Minister vows to prevent violence against police on 30 June

Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim on Saturday held a meeting with policemen to discuss security measures for the 30 June protests.

Ibrahim stressed that, to guarantee the country’s stability, he would not allow for the same scenario of attacks on police establishments to be repeated. He stated that attacks on police stations since 25 January have led to a deterioration in security in the country.
The minister also praised the patriotism of policemen in protecting citizens.
He added that the ministry is committed to providing security for the protests on 30 June without getting involved or harming peaceful protesters.
Ibrahim added that he would not allow any assault against public or private properties, including police establishments, and that any such action would be dealt with in a strict manner.
Egyptians appreciate efforts by the police to protect the nation, Ibrahim added. Policemen need to exert more effort to achieve security, and relations between the police and citizens should be based on cooperation and mutual respect, he said.