• 00:57
  • Friday ,31 May 2013

Jolie’s Breasts

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Friday ,31 May 2013

Jolie’s Breasts
Angelina Jolie announced recently that she did a surgery removing her breasts due to a gene she could have according to her family history. I feel sorry for that and sympathize greatly with her. I can feel how much she is brave to make a decision like that. She was actually forced to make this decision. It is hard a decision for anyone to make especially since she is a famous woman.
I’m not actually writing this article, however, to introduce only my support to her, but because I wonder about the Muslims’ opinion about doing such a surgery. I have recently read an investigation in youm7 about the opinion of one of the Muslim Sheikh regarding this issue. I have to say that I’m completely surprised of what was said. 
One of Sheiks said that it was a wrong operation because no one can predict the future except God! Another Sheikh started to blame such surgeons and say the surgery is against God’s will and as they say in Islam is, “Haram.”
I’m just wondering, do these Sheikhs know anything about Science or did they read anything related to genetic diseases? It is ridiculous to say your opinion about anything you don’t know about. What is the relationship between Sheikhs and Preventative Surgery? I feel we live in a disaster of Sheikhs nowadays. 
The main issue is that El-youm7 Newspaper didn’t take any opinion from a doctor but took the opinion of Sheikhs only, and the whole matter is completely scientific. Can anyone imagine going to a pharmacy to buy beans “fool,” or going to a church to buy medicine? For sure you will be looked at as someone strange.
In my opinion, we believed in this madness from a long time ago, and this is one of the main reasons we can’t make any progress. It is because everything is mixing in our country. Everyone plays in all fields, doing all rules. Everyone is specialized in everything, wow! 
The main problem as I believe is that the newspaper allowed this disaster to spread and youm7 is a bad example of how the media helps in spreading ignorance among the community.