• 08:53
  • Thursday ,09 May 2013

My grandparents were true

Amany ELweshahy

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,09 May 2013

My grandparents were true

As I started working as a researcher in Amazigh affairs, I mentioned different stories from many people in Egypt know about the Arab invasion to Egypt. Many people were shocked as I described it as violent invasion rather than peaceful Islamic conquest, even if it was hiding behind noble reasons and slogans. 

However, nobody can imagine that Umayyad, who persecuted Ahl al-Bayt, hit the Kaaba with catapult, and violated the sanctity of the holy mosque, may fight hard for the sake of spreading Islam.
Yazid I, the goof who used to have sexual intercourse with the monkeys, and instigated of the massacre of Karbala, would have never cared or fought for spreading Islam.
In fact, Islam has spread in Egypt by Imam Hussein, and not by Uqba Fihri as the Arabs claim. This Uqba used to loot, both rich and poor towns of Imazighen, and made an example of the towns that fought him back. Additionally, he kidnapped children and virgins to sell them as slaves in the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula. It’s said that he sold more than 80.000 child and virgin of the Berbers out there.
Then, I said that Koussaila, the king of Amazigh, killed the occupier, Uqba, defending his people and his land. As being pagan doesn’t mean he can’t defend his homeland.
I added that Tariq ibn Ziyad is not real, but the Umayyad came up with this character in order to irritate Musa Bin Naseer, after he turned againBy: Amani Weshahy st them.
Therefore, I was accused of being atheist, hostile to Islam, Christian working with the Coptic Diaspora, racist, supporting Shiites, Freemasonry, and a Jewish woman who was born and raised in Israel! 
As a matter of fact, these contradictory stories came as the history of North Africa was written twice in two contradicting forms: by the Arabs and by the Amazigh. 
However I have always trusted what was written by my grandparents, the Muslim Brotherhood has proven that they were true. As the MB repeated what the invaders have done 1300 years ago; they claimed they are seeking the application of the Islamic Sharia, but they only killed tortured, harassed, and incited sectarianism for their own interest. Now, thanks to the Muslim Brotherhood, all people should know that the history written by my grandparents is but the true version.