• 22:15
  • Thursday ,10 May 2012

MB official website: Abul Fotouh stops breathing during sleep

By-Emad Tomas

Top Stories


Thursday ,10 May 2012

MB official website: Abul Fotouh stops breathing during sleep

The official website for the Muslim Brotherhood on September 28, 2009 had published a story about an appeal for the Administrative Court to release Dr. Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, the Secretary General of the Arab Doctors Union and a member of the Guidance Bureau of the Muslim Brotherhood, for his health conditions.

Ikhwanonline.com mentioned that Dr. Aboul Fotouh stops breathing while sleeping, while Almasry Alyoum newspaper mentioned on July 21, 2009 that he suffers from disorders of the kidney functions, and deficiencies in the respiratory center in the brain, which requires installing a permanent respirator. It added that he suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure as well.