• 02:23
  • Thursday ,08 March 2012

Dozens protest to demand release of April 6 Youth Movement activist

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Wednesday ,07 March 2012

Dozens protest to demand release of April 6 Youth Movement activist

 Dozens of April 6 Youth Movement members and ultras football group members organized a protest Wednesday morning outside the Abdeen prosecution building in downtown Cairo to demand the release of April 6 movement member George Ramzy.

Security forces arrested Ramzy on 6 February near the Interior Ministry while he was participating in initiatives to end clashes that erupted there in protest of the violence at Port Said Stadium earlier that week, which left over 70 people dead.
Egyptian news outlets reported Ramzy faces charges of attempting to storm the Interior Ministry, attacking and causing injury to security personnel, resisting arrest and disrupting traffic.
Ramzy’s detention was extended more than once, most recently on 23 February, when authorities extended his detention for 15 days pending investigations.
Protesters chanted several slogans, including “Down, down with military rule” and “Revolution, revolution until victory.” They also waved banners with slogans such as “Freedom for George Ramzy,” “Freedom for the rebels” and “Revolutionaries are not thugs.”
The protesters said they would march to the attorney general’s office if Ramzy’s detention is further extended. April 6 Youth Movement member Mohamed Abdallah said the aim of the protest is to continue pressing for Ramzy’s release.
Abdallah went on to say, “This case has been fabricated for more than 350 suspects who were arrested in the recent Interior Ministry events and accused of a number of charges, including resisting arrest, destruction of public property, attacking employees during the performance of their work and disruption of traffic.”