• 10:09
  • Tuesday ,06 March 2012

April 6 movement calls State Security dissolution a lie


Home News


Tuesday ,06 March 2012

April 6 movement calls State Security dissolution a lie

The dissolution and purging of the State Security Investigations Services by the government last year was a “lie,” the April 6 Youth Movement Democratic Front in Alexandria said Monday.

In a statement marking the first anniversary of the dissolution, it accused the service that replaced State Security, the National Security Agency, of practicing the same “shameful acts” against activists.
“It’s been one year since the lie of State Security dissolution was made. That apparatus had violated the freedoms and honors of Egyptians for 30 years, in service of the tyrant regime,” the movement said.
The group criticized the fact that none of State Security personnel were brought to trial for crimes they had committed.
The movement accused the National Security Agency of violating human rights and freedoms, considering this the main reason for the current state of security failure.
It called on the elected constitutional institutions in Parliament to disclose what happened to those missing since the revolution and to purge the agency and limit its duties to protecting citizens and freedoms.
The movement demanded trials for those involved in crimes against civilians.