• 01:01
  • Thursday ,17 February 2011

Mubarak taking phone calls in Sharm


Home News


Thursday ,17 February 2011

Mubarak taking phone calls in Sharm

CAIRO - Egypt's former President Hosni Mubarak is taking telephone calls in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, said a source who spoke to him Tuesday.

"He's fine," the source said. "He is at his residence in Sharm el-Sheikh with his family. He is receiving telephone calls. I spoke to him at 3 o'clock (1300 GMT) this afternoon."
      Speculation about Mubarak's health has swirled since he was forced to resign Friday. 
      "What is certain is that his state of health is declining, in addition there is information that he is refusing to receive the required medical treatment," Asharq al-Awsat said in its online edition, quoting a former security official affiliated to the Egyptian military high command.
     The Higher Military Council took over the country after Mubarak resigned on Friday following over two weeks of massive protests against his 30-year rule.
     The Asharq al-Awsat report said Mubarak, 82, had refused advice to travel to Germany for treatment. He underwent gallbladder surgery there last year, and since then rumors about his health have frequently surfaced.
     "Mubarak is refusing this (travel abroad)," the paper said, quoting its source. "He has asked those around him to allow him to die in his country."