• 04:43
  • Thursday ,26 March 2020

Rude scholars

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,26 March 2020

Rude scholars

 I always tell my friends who are subjected to verbal intimidation by some Islamists that they should not be angry with these insults, but rather to be happy because these insults indicate that our words are actually making some change.

I find 3 kinds of those rude religious people: First, the negligent rabble and they know nothing about Islam and are used by the political Islam leaders to intimidate the opposition. This was declared by Gomaa Amin, member of the Muslim Brotherhood supreme council, that the MB obtain victory through its negligent members. In fact, they are useful even for the intellectuals since this kind reveals the ugly face of the extremists.
Second, the arrogant ghettos who think they have and know it all. They are interested in insulting Christianity in order to appear powerful, but in fact they reveal their own weakness and ignorance.
Third, the organized people who follow organizations. Those insult you in a political speech and accuse you of being follower of the regime. All of them know nothing about democracy and don’t accept freedom of speech and other freedoms. Political Islam has fallen and is turing into a despised minority like the Nazis in Germany.