• 05:59
  • Monday ,17 June 2019

Bless us

By-Samia Ayad

Article Of The Day


Friday ,14 June 2019

Bless us

Our life without God  s blessing is worthless, and blessing is obtained by obeying God and His commandments. This should bless our lives by love and joy.

The late Pope Shenouda III in his article   The blessing   talked about the blessing, its effectiveness and its types. Since God created Adam and Eve, He created them in His image and likeness, and God blessed them and said to them,   Go be fruitful and multiply  , and the same blessing was for Noah and his sons after the floods. Our father Abraham was promised to be made a great nation and blessing to all nations. Elijah was a blessing in the house of the widow at the time of famine. Also Joseph the righteous was a blessing to the others.
Blessings have many resources like saving God  s commandments, and honoring the parents, and paying the tithes. 
Every good work of man leads him to receive God  s blessings. A priest blesses the congregation by prayers and we are blessed by taking communion and by attending the church. May God bless us in our homes, children, relations and lives.