• 05:02
  • Tuesday ,23 April 2019

Arab countries: where corruption ends for a new one to start

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,23 April 2019

Arab countries: where corruption ends for a new one to start
With every strikes and demonstration starts in the Arab countries people start to dream to have freedom and welfare life as people in the west has.
Unfortunately, people in our Arab region didn  t learn the lesson after almost 5 countries failed change their regime and their style of life. I meant ( Lybia – Syria- Yemen- Egypt – Tunisia ). 
In our region a corruption regime go to start a new one comes with the same words convincing the people that previous regime was corrupted and it was the reason of all our economic and political problems and that the new one will be the savior from this dilemma. 
We heard the same thing from the military council in Egypt, Yemen, Lybia, and at the end another military guy rule the country by force. 
At the beginning they speak about changing the constitution to meet people needs for democracy and freedom and then once they stay in the power, they change it to fit their greediness to be in power by force.