• 02:04
  • Monday ,15 April 2019

More steps are expected

Mena Habeeb

Article Of The Day


Friday ,12 April 2019

More steps are expected

The monthly statement of the Egyptian Ministry of Finance showed that the number of tourists to the country jumped by 47.5 percent to 9.8 million tourists comparing to the same period in the last year. This good news show that the tourism sector benefited from the improvement of security situation and the floating of the Egyptian pound.

Such good news related to tourism sector should increase by activating the Path of the Holy Family tourist project, which is supported by the Vatican.
Egypt is the only land outside Jerusalem that was visited by St. Mary and Joseph with Jesus who fled to Egypt to escape Herod.
In recent years the Egyptian tourism ministry has been promoting pilgrimages following the Holy Family’s route, based on the Gospel and Christian tradition. Yet, a lot of steps are expected to be taken to put the unique sites on the international tourism map.