• 01:46
  • Friday ,02 November 2018

Interior minister should resign

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,03 November 2018

Interior minister should resign

First of all I want to introduce my condolence to the Coptic family killed in the last terrorist attack on a Coptic bus was going to Saint Samuel Monastery. IT was the second incident in few months against the Coptic riding busses.

President Sisi should fire the interior minister right away after this incident because especially that interior ministry should had its cautions by protecting this area and increasing the security around the monastery.
 Careless against everything happens to the Coptic will result in shedding more Coptic blood and more sad families. I can say that there is no one Coptic family suffered from terrorist attack in the last 20-st years. All families became victims to the state carelessness.
I know that no minister resign from himself that s why I m calling Sisi to fire the interior minister and try to appoint someone more aware of how to secure Egyptian and make them feel safe.
In conclusion, I want to assure that terrorism is everywhere but when you know that a group are more aimed that others you should put more measures to help preventing incident from happening.