• 05:36
  • Thursday ,18 October 2018

Demanding the execution of the murderer

By-Hani Sabri

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,18 October 2018

Demanding the execution of the murderer

The murder of Nahaat Rizk Abshkiroun,  65 years old Urologist, in his clinic in Assiut was revealed by police who named the murderer and said he suffers from a psychological condition and that the motivation for the crime it to take revenge from the doctor for what the murderer saw as medical error.

The crime is premeditated murder and should be punished according to the law. However, it is regrettable that police pre-empt investigations and issue irresponsible statements for medical condition of the murderer.
I wonder if police have examined the murderer to find out about his psychological condition, which is against the law. Prosecution is the one responsible for investigating such issues and examinations. Moreover, such announcements may affect the public opinion and may help the criminal escape the punishment.
Once again the law should be applied in that case, which means the murderer should be executed since he intended and planned to commit his crime.