• 01:47
  • Wednesday ,10 October 2018

Reform of Church s administrative structure

By-Hani Sabri Labib

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,10 October 2018

Reform of Church s administrative structure

From one time to another, people discuss the importance of General Congregation Council of the Coptic Orthodox Church (the Milli Council). The current Council ended its term in April 2011, and was not re-elected and then the Council is not currently in place, and any decisions or statements issued on behalf of the Council only represents personal decisions and statements.

The first formation of the General Congregation Council was issued by the Higher Order of Khedive Tawfiq in 1874 and the adoption of  Boutros Ghali who had conflict with Pope Cyril V, who was a reformist and a saint, but he rejected the idea of the Milli Council but was forced to accept it.
The council will be useless if it works under the same conditions and regulations. Therefore, the administrative structure of the church has to be fixed before the reelection of the council in order to avoid potential conflict with the Church. 
The Holy Synod has to make a new regulation for the Milli Council to develop its workflow and election system. The term of membership should be for two periods only to create new leaders for the church.
In my opinion, the terms of reference of the General Milli Council of the Coptic Orthodox Church should be clearly defined to avoid future conflicts or divisions between the Council and the Holy Synod. The Coptic Orthodox Church is an established organized and one of the oldest entities in the world. It has maintained its faith and system for centuries.