• 06:11
  • Friday ,09 June 2017

We are in Troubling Times (Part ll)

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Sunday ,11 June 2017

We are in Troubling Times (Part ll)

The terrorism that we see growing among the Western part of the world is equally heartbreaking and troublesome, but for different reasons that I want to explain here.

First off, let s be clear. In Egypt, you have 90% of the population that is Muslim. The other 10% is Christian/Other denominations. The victims, as mentioned previously, are the Christians. The West, on the other hand, is primarily made up of Christians and Atheists.

A large amount of the population, I can say maybe 35% is Atheist/Mixed. In this group, I do also include “apathetic” Christians that are not practicing Christians. Christians who do not have the first clue about the teachings of the Church, or of peace etc… The other 55% I can say are Christians and then 5% Muslim. The Muslim population is growing, but is still relatively small. The Western mentality is not that of “Christianity” although that s the foundation for these countries, it s more about, “let everyone just do their own thing and mind your own business”

Now, you can adjust those percentages as you like, because that s not my main point. My point is this: the reactions to terrorist attacks are not going to be of the same caliber as in the East. You are kidding yourself if you think these victims are going to sit back and watch their families be destroyed. The heartbreak and tragedy is the same, but with one critical difference. Revenge. You know the verse in the Bible saying revenge is for the Lord? Yeah, they have never heard of it, and they don t care.

I can say, because I ve already read on the news, that Mosques are being targeted and equal “hate-crimes” are happening over here in West in response to the tragedies. People, in general, over here are taking revenge. Actually it s funny, if you ask any Muslim in the West how they feel walking down the street, most of the women will say uncomfortable because people are staring at them or giving them dirty looks. Which I find funny, because that s what happening to Christian women in the East.

Anyways, long story short, people are taking revenge. We all know that violence only brings more violence, which has two negative impacts.

The first, who knows how long it will take before the West is in a blood-bath with Islam over there. I can assure you that something will happen in the near future if this path of terrorism continues over in the West. The second impact is this: the Eastern population already hates the Western countries. So what do you think will happen if terrorists see their fellow Muslims being targeted by infidels over in the West? What do you think their reaction will be? More violence within our own country ofcourse!

As my title indicates, we are in major troubling times. I put my faith in God that He controls what is about to happen, because I don t know what will happen if we continue on the path that we are on. Pray everyone, pray.