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  • Thursday ,13 April 2017
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Aya & Mahmoud Hassan Mubarak

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Sunday ,16 April 2017

Aya & Mahmoud Hassan Mubarak

Aya is supposed to be Mahmoud Hassan Mubarak's wifenot too sure if the traditions of Terrorists = Fanatic Muslims = Muslims who transilate Koran verses their own way to justify killing even suwicide isn't suicide banned by GOD? What you call EXPLODING YOURSELF?

Well lot of bla bla followed Osama Kamal interview to Aya on dmc and I wonder why? Is she banned by the public from expressing her views just for being a terrorists wife? Is she blacklisted just beause of that or some malicious minds think she was covering his terror acts! There are namy angles to look throughtout a terrorist life some requested to interview his whole family some exreem views to procecute them cause they failed to raise him right!
I'm lost when we talk of his family this means his parents and his children let a side wife and brothers and sisters;S If parents are accused of failing to raise him, what about his poor children should we prosecute as well? It is your choice in life to properly raise your child, but it was never been your choice to choose you parents!
Any way I do excuse Aya for not giving any usefull answers she was either too scared to answer or definitely UN-aware of the answers!
It could be new ways of investigations to disguise like presenters of TV talk show or the investigators want to prove they did not torture any one to get answers!
No doubts Aya tried her best to look innocent she did not blow up any one neither herself so she was innocent but was she aware of Mahmoud real motives and real life? Question remains without answer!
Any way due to Easter occasion and “Christos Anesthy” I rest my case at this point but would never terminate my article without showing my compaction to those who morn close by relatives or have them suffering in hospitals, The Pope asked as to be compassionate and show our support to all those who suffered from Palm Sunday terrorism and I say it clear and nit:- My heart is with you all! 
My God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians my his peace be with you in your moments of sorrow and your bleeding hearts get some peace!
Love to you all and once again my God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians and Jesus is RISEN “Christos Anesthy”