• 01:17
  • Tuesday ,01 September 2015

A new mistake doesn’t fix another

Sherif Mansour

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,01 September 2015

A new mistake doesn’t fix another

I don’t usually watch CNN as it is not very honest news channel. However, I was visiting friends outside of Canada and them only had the news channels CNN and the Chinese News Agency. I wanted to watch the news about the opening of the New Suez Canal. CNN never mentioned a word about the New Suez Canal Project or its positive impact on the Egyptian economy or world trade. From the other hand, the Chinese News Agency dedicated one hour talking about the important project. It added that China has signed an agreement with Egypt to build 50 factories in the Canal Zone and building large stores and warehouses in the same area to store consumer goods near the Europe market. 

It’s indeed a great opportunity for the neighbors of Egypt to take advantage and benefit from the expected trade volume at the canal. But I believe that the US administration does not want stability in this region in spite of much talking about supporting peace in the Middle East and its attention to security of Israel. This became crystal clear after the suspicious agreement between Iran and the United States of America. It aimed to restore the lost influence of the United States in the region. Such Convention is useless even if the US administration tried to explain to simple Americans that the only alternative is war. I’m sure that such war is inevitable with this extreme entity.
Iran got some time to complete its nuclear program to produce an atomic bomb, and got her millions of dollars back in order to buy some politicians in Washington. America gave Iran a golden chance to control the region and destroy Israel, by creating new sectarian conflicts in the Middle East. Several Arab leaders may claim such convention comes in the interest of Israel. They may also claim that all Arab countries suffer from terrorist attacks except Israel. However, this is due to the great experience of Israel in fighting terrorism as well as advanced security and technology in that field. America should realize that a new mistake doesn’t fix another.