• 02:02
  • Friday ,21 August 2015

87 NGOs approved to monitor parliamentary elections: HEC


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Saturday ,22 August 2015

87 NGOs approved to monitor parliamentary elections: HEC

The High Elections Committee (HEC) said in a statement it has approved requests submitted by 87 local and international non-governmental organizations to monitor Egypt’s upcoming parliamentary elections, Youm7 reported Friday.The High Elections Committee (HEC) said in a statement it has approved requests submitted by 87 local and international non-governmental organizations to monitor Egypt’s upcoming parliamentary elections, Youm7 reported Friday.

“The requests were approved as they have fulfilled the conditions set by the Solidarity Ministry and the HEC,” head of the NGOs committee at the HEC Mahmoud Alaa el-Din was quoted by Youm7 Friday.
Six of the approved NGOs are international, Alaa el-Din said.
Egypt’s parliamentary elections; the third step in 2013 roadmap, had been scheduled to kick off last March 22, and then were indefinitely postponed after the Supreme Constitutional Court (HCC) ruled in March the unconstitutionality of articles concerning electoral districts and political participation laws.
President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi previously said that the parliament elections would be held by the end of 2015.