• 01:35
  • Friday ,21 August 2015

Reconciliation with the MB

Suleiman Shafik

Article Of The Day


Friday ,21 August 2015

Reconciliation with the MB

The reconciliation between the regime and the Muslim Brotherhood became once again a matter of debate, thanks to the new Suez Canal and the approaching of the parliamentary elections, which will close the door completely before the Muslim Brotherhood inside and outside Egypt by fulfilling the last part of the roadmap for country's political future. 

This came after a statement by Khalid Al-Attiyah, Qatar's Foreign Minister, in an interview with the Arab television channel in which he said: We have natural relationship with Egypt, but there is a difference in point of view. We disagree with the regime of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi because of the exclusion of a key political component in the country, meaning the Muslim Brotherhood. “We can't give up the Muslim Brotherhood or call them terrorists" added he.
On the other hand, a conference has been organized last week by the Qatari royal family at the Four Seasons Hotel in Doha for leaders of the international organization, led by the billionaire Ibrahim Munir, Gamal Heshmat, Mahmoud Hussein and the leader of Hamas, Moussa Abu Marzouk. However, it was funny that the terrorist Tariq al-Zomour took an initiative to invite the Egyptian people to reconcile with the terrorist group.
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry replied to this conference refusing all forms of foreign interference in its internal affairs assuring that Egypt has named the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group after the Egyptian judiciary named it so.
However, it is very strange to hear the Egyptian scientist Dr. Mohamed Ghoneim predicting the reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood considering it a must after they regret their violence. He also expected a presidential pardon for leaders of the terrorist group later. This came with other calls of reconciliation with the terrorist group. 
Many politicians in different political parties in Egypt condemn terrorism, and yet call for reconciliation with the terrorist organization. Three public figures, Sheikh Hassan from the Islamic current, Dr. Mohamed Ghoneim the leftist and Dr. Osama Ghazali the Liberal, are now considering such reconciliation a must as well as a matter of time. This is very weird, especially with the Liberals who have been against the other currents along the way.
There are other currents that tend to get closer to the Muslim Brotherhood like April 6 movement, revolutionary socialists, The Ultras, supporters of Mohamed El Baradie, etc. However, all of them remind me of the left and liberal currents in Iran after Khomeini's revolution. They blindly followed a revolution that killed and displaced them. Thus, they have to take heed before it is too late!