• 02:23
  • Thursday ,20 August 2015

Suddenly grown old

Mina M. Azer

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,20 August 2015

Suddenly grown old

I had decided not to talk about the private life of any official, since we usually exaggerate the matter in Egypt. However, I found the death of the mother of the president a matter to talk about since the death of the mother of a strong man is really painful.

The president decided not to receive condolences in mass media. He decided to save a huge amount of money to be donated for Egypt. 
His mother died after she taught him how to .love his homeland and sacrifice for it. She presented a valuable present for Egypt that we thank this valuable mother. 
However, we believe in Egypt that a man lives as a child as long as his mother lives, but when she dies, he suddenly grows old. May the Lord condolence the sons of this great mother. Long live Egypt in the hearts of her children.