• 01:00
  • Tuesday ,11 August 2015

16 hospitals seized over suspected Brotherhood links


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,11 August 2015

16 hospitals seized over suspected Brotherhood links

A panel formed by the Justice Ministry to freeze the assets of the Muslim Brotherhood decided on Monday to seize 16 hospitals believed to be ran by the group in five provinces.A panel formed by the Justice Ministry to freeze the assets of the Muslim Brotherhood decided on Monday to seize 16 hospitals believed to be ran by the group in five provinces.

The hospitals are located in Cairo, Damietta, Gharbiya, Giza and Assiut.
Egyptian authorities have embarked on a scheme to freeze the assets of several Muslim Brotherhood leaders and to confiscate their businesses, schools NGOs and hospitals as means to dry up the financial resources of the group which it had branded as a terrorist organization.
The government accuses the Brotherhood of backing and masterminding several bloody attacks against police and army forces since the ouster of former Egyptian president and group leader Mohamed Morsi in 2013.