• 00:57
  • Friday ,07 August 2015

Love yourself

Basant Mousa

Article Of The Day


Friday ,07 August 2015

Love yourself

There are several statements that most of the people in our community refuse without even understanding them. One of these statements is “Love Yourself”. In fact, we don’t understand the importance of loving oneself. Our community would rather accept that everybody hates himself instead of loving it since such love is considered selfishness.

Our community hates to hear one saying: “I care for my business” as if everybody is only working for the interests of the community. However, this is not true as the people are willing to kill one another to achieve their own interests.
It’s lawful to love yourself moderately. Loving yourself should force you to make good choices. You would work hard to save yourself, and even develop it. If you love yourself, you should be fair and good to the others. On the contrary, if you don’t love yourself, you may destroy yourself as well as the others. You shall then die alone.
It’s very normal to work for our own interests. Everybody wants to win. The only rule should be to make some balance between your interests and those of the others. In fact, we should realize that we’re far from being saints who are willing to sacrifice their lives for other people. 
We should be realistic and face the truth of ourselves that we all work for our interests. Let’s love ourselves!