• 02:00
  • Thursday ,06 August 2015

The new Suez canal

Mena Habeeb

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,06 August 2015

The new Suez canal

Tomorrow, Egypt will open the new Suez Canal Project, which was funded by the Egyptians hoping for better future for their children and for Egypt. Thus, they were able to collect more than 60 billion Egyptian pounds (US$8.4 billion) in just one week to fund the project. The chairman of the Suez Canal Authority announced that the revenues from the Suez Canal would jump from 5 billion dollars to 12.5 billion dollars annually boosting the hard currency earnings for the Egyptian national income.

Such national project should have been supported by all loyal Egyptians, since it is going to maximize the importance of the Egyptian Suez Canal and help the suffering economy reflecting strategic and financial goals. Yet, several Egyptians started to attack the project claiming the government is fooling the people by false information about the project. This means that either several Egyptians are not willing to trust their government anymore and insist on attacking her, or the government is really fooling the people just like what the Egyptian trade expert Dr. Omar el-Shenety said the official estimate of traffic doubling in the first year of the canal's operation is somewhat exaggerated.
In order to build our country, we need to trust and support one another. We won’t achieve our goals if we don’t trust one another. The government indeed has to offer clear and honest information about such national projects and the people has to trust their government and support it in order to do the job.
Let’s fight for better future for our children. Criticizing the national project at this critical moment will only help our enemies who aim to hinder our achievements. I’m sure Egypt will rise soon and her economy will recover. Yet, we have to do our best to support her, not to destroy her.