• 01:55
  • Monday ,27 July 2015

Celebrations Still On

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,27 July 2015

Celebrations Still On

Last week with the end of the holly month of Ramadan there is officially a three (3) days feast celebration the month end, but unofficially celebrations extend for a week or more depending on the start official day best case scenario when the first day is an official day off ex-presidents and some national enterprises used to give an additional day off to replace the day off of the first day plus a day to replace the before feast stand by celebrations that makes 3+2 days = 5 day 2 days away from the full week off that were taken any way extending celebrations to a full week! Good opportunity for workers in summer time to have a week off away to the coast for feast and summer holidays; however this year no additional days were offered specially that on Thursday 23rd July was the memorial of the 23rd July revolution 1952; another official day off!

About this 23rd July revolution a lot of Egyptians start looking at it as a real Coup d’Etas organized and contributed successfully by the former Muslim Brotherhood -Devils Brotherhood DB for short-!
Let us review the following facts:-
1. We all know and said it in many previous publications the real reasons behind MI6 contribution and creating DB upon the WWII!
2. The presumed creator of DB Hassan El Bana was the teacher and professor of R.I.P Jamal Adul-Nasser who mourned his death publicly in deep sorrow!
3. R.I.P. Nasser as an army officer perticipated in the 1948 defeat in Palestine, and like the majority of the population -then- believed traitorous hands in the Palace of King Farouk -R.I.P.- and may be the King himself and his cabinet had to do with this defeat, they did supply the army with unusable arms so he naturally hated the King and Jews that had to do a lot with 1st and second burning of Cairo!
4. DB were the 1st to aknowladge the 23rd Jully Army Coup a revolution, Nasser was one of them he got their blessings and expected he would finally give up leadership to the DB general guide or at least he would have a powerful position!
5. Let us face it Nasser Loved the country that gave him power, power means dictatorship and he was a dictator  he would never give away power to any one he took it from his army officer Naguib he was not done to let go of the power to any one even if this one was his DB leader, he could step over the Army Leader then no one would stop him from stepping over Kotb the general guide of DB!
6. Here DB re-acted and had to kill that dictator but one more the dictator was protected by the army the people’s love and power, the attempt had to fall and her the struggle become a survival struggle Either Nasser Or Katb on Earth!
Naturally with all this history DB wanted to rule the whole system in Egypt was their creation even in jail under ground and under-covered they never stop working, the DB deep inside Nasser helped them too!
He did put them in jail he did not execute them he jailed with them the communists, he tried to split Egypt between Christian and Muslim but both ex-pope R.I.P. Kurolos and ex- Ethiopian Emperor stopped him and threatened him to cut off water supply to the river Nile is Christians were harmed in Egypt; true or just blaa bla and talks without real means to execute the threats is not the case here just a quick view to the history affirms those events and Nasser quickly backed off his explicit plans, but he let go of unlimited exceptions for any Islamic Religious activity, Churches had to obtain official authorisation to get built, but mosques had no boundaries, houses having a prayer room under the house were exempted from taxes opening a huge tunnel for countless mosques to be run by any money seeking opportunist not qualified for spiritual leadership!
Religious speeches took a sharp turn towards insults and curses of any non Islamic activity, the reformation of the way people think started to extend dictatorship vis freedom of opinion become the ability not to discuss my ideas, but to insult yours!
Freedom become aggressiveness, disrespect and the ability to hurt you in your believes belongings and any way!
The absence of Media -TV, Journalism, Internet ect.- made the start very slow to be noticed but you can feel it now in the war on TERROR how widely the DB principals damaged even the general look of Islam as a religion! Countries that rejects to allow mosques to be built in their lands see how USA that allowed or France and many more countries that under the principal of freedom of believes let go of Mosques how terror attacked them without mercy!
In today’s world with fast technology news spread we see around us how religious principals could turn sour even Christian churches that their main issue is MERCY how priests and people pretend to be Christians lie and know no MERCY!
Jews used to be God’s preferable nation until the sinned time after time and were given warnings time after time until they earned God’s curse to remain spread all over the universe! Egypt that was blessed by God is no exemption we need to keep God’s Blessings not to relay on them until we loose them, to keep God’s Blessings we all need to keep working on God’s desires God’s Mercy and Forgiveness we can not keep making sins then ask God to forgive us we need to work it out and become closer to God if we want his blessings forever and ever Amen!
Peace be with you ALL!