• 09:43
  • Wednesday ,20 May 2015

Free Egyptians Party accuse US of assaulting Egyptian sovereignty


Home News


Wednesday ,20 May 2015

Free Egyptians Party accuse US of assaulting Egyptian sovereignty

The Free Egyptians Party has accused the United States of assaulting Egyptian sovereignty with the statement issued by the US State Department on the judicial sentences against the Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the cases pertaining to espionage and the storming of prisons during the revolution of January 25, 2011.

The US State Department had said that referring the case documents of deposed President Mohamed Morsi to the mufti in preparation for his execution was an “unjust” sentence.
The party rejected in a statement on Tuesday any interference in Egyptian affairs, adding that the statement of the US State Department is unreasonable and overrides the rule of law.
The party also said that the statement of the US State Department was prepared in a few hours, while the trial has been going on for months and will continue in other stages of litigation.
The party reiterated its support for the Egyptian political leadership in its quest to build balanced relations with all countries of the world, and expressed its respect and appreciation for the countries that have declined to comment on the provisions of the Egyptian judiciary.