• 02:07
  • Tuesday ,19 May 2015

Egyptian media lie with big plot against Egypt

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,19 May 2015

Egyptian media lie with big plot against Egypt

There are many crises announced by the Egyptian media in the previous period, such as pilots crisis in Egypt , 

okra crisis, donkey crisis, Lady of the airport, Abu Trika crisis, and dustman's son who can’t work as judges.
I noticed that the Egyptian media is the only platform that presents such crises. This is not just an accident, but rather according to the scheme of conspirator of external intelligence that works against Egypt in order to create chaos and destruction.
Those enemies of success want to spread a spirit of despair and frustration among Egyptians in order to keep them away from the great success of the government on daily basis at home and abroad that causes stability and security progress and provides the Egyptian police with the latest equipment to improve security for the first time since four years.
Great projects of renewable energy are being implemented; new houses are being built for young people and the longest road network is being established in Egypt.
We can witness the reclamation of hundreds of thousands acres for agriculture and the largest projects of transportation. Among all these great projects, we can’t forget about the greatest project even in the modern history in Egypt, which is the new Suez Canal that will be opened in June 8th. 
Approaching that date, those enemies are getting mad trying to hinder such great celebration. However, they will fail as they are but traitors who hate the homeland and its armed forces that protect it. Indeed, it’s time to wake up before it’s too late.