• 11:12
  • Wednesday ,06 May 2015

First floor of St. Mary Church in Samalout was built

Nader Shoukry

Top Stories


Wednesday ,06 May 2015

First floor of St. Mary Church in Samalout was built

The Copts in Samalout finished building the first floor of Virgin Mary Church in "Alglaa village".The Copts in Samalout finished building the first floor of Virgin Mary Church in "Alglaa village".

They began to build the church according to the customary agreement between the Copts and the Muslims in the village under the auspices of the governor of Minya.
The Governor agreed on building a Church of three-floors with domes, but without a minaret or bells.
One Copt said that they have completed the construction quickly fearing further attacks or clashes with the fanatics.
He explained that there are always security forces in front of the church to prevent any new clashes that may occur at any moment.
It's worth mentioning that Muslims in the village refused building the church at the beginning and finally agree to build it on conditions, that they build the Church in far location without a minaret or bells.