• 08:45
  • Friday ,06 March 2015

Mahlab forms specialized committee to improve educational curricula


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Friday ,06 March 2015

Mahlab forms specialized committee to improve educational curricula

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab established a specialized committee to develop a national strategy to examine, reassess and improve educational curricula, Youm7 reported Thursday.

“The committee is tasked not only with revising curricula of pre-university and university grades and formulating a strategic vision in proportion to each stage of education but also with providing technical advice after consulting experts in the education field,” said Mahlab.
The committee comprises ministers of education, higher education and scientific research, Religious Endowment along with Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam and head of al-Azhar-affiliated institutes sector Mohamed Abu Zeid, Mahlab told Youm7.
The committee is also tasked to “change rigid teaching techniques and tackle major challenges impeding the capacity of children to develop to their full potential,” said Mahlab.
The committee aims at reducing “the Egyptian brain drain,”said Mahlab in reference to an increasing phenomenon among a big segment of Egypt’s intellectuals, educated persons and skilled workers who move abroad in search of a better standard of living.
On Feb. 5, President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi issued a presidential decree to establish four specialized councils, including one on education and scientific research “responsible for contributing policy suggestions for all different levels of developmental education and coordinating with research centers in various fields,” according to a presidential statement.
The decree stated that the specialized councils are “independent and must directly report back to the president,” according to a presidential statement.