• 13:56
  • Wednesday ,18 February 2015

Egypt’s locally praised airstrikes condemned by opposition

By Daily News Egypt

Home News


Wednesday ,18 February 2015

Egypt’s locally praised airstrikes condemned by opposition

A number of opposition movements, and some Libyan official entities, rejected Egypt’s air strikes on Libyan territories, considering it a “violation against Libyan sovereignty”.

The groups also hold the Egyptian government responsible for the alleged civilian deaths that occurred during the strikes.
Monday’s Egyptian airstrikes against alleged “Islamic State” targets received a largely positive response domestically, and were reported as “retaliation against the murderers of the 21 Coptic Christians in Libya”.
The 6 April Youth Movement, however, said that the government knew about the kidnappings, “but as always, it did not take any initiative”.
The movement described the Egyptian diplomatic missions as a “failure that deepened the wounds of Egyptians”.
“As usual, Egyptians knew about the beheadings from international media, as our media is busy propagating new arms deals and convincing the masses that they need jet fighters more than food,” the movement said. It added that those who travelled to Libya did so due to a lack of employment in Egypt.
“The regime made the hopes of Egyptians to simply be a decent death, rather than to be slaughtered, imprisoned, or beaten by the police,” the statement continued.
The movement described the current regime as one that “does not respects its citizens unless they are dead, and as a regime stained with the blood of its people”.
Khalid Ali, a leftist rights lawyer and former presidential candidate, said Sunday on his official page that the “Egyptian workers were killed twice”. The first time was after they were faced with the lack of jobs and poverty, which forced them to travel to Libya in such harsh conditions. The second time took place when they were kidnapped by “terrorist groups”.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Front of 6 April said that the kidnapping means that “the weak state institutions failed to save the lives of Egyptians”.
These institutions, the movement said, include the foreign ministry and the intelligence apparatuses.
Students Against the Coup (SAC) said that “since the coup, revolutionaries and students have been killed”, adding that they hold the government responsible for the deaths.
“The regime is using the narrative of the conspiracy to justify a military intervention in Libya,” the movement said, warning against catastrophic measures.
A prominent Brotherhood figure, Amr Darrag, former minister of planning and international cooperation, condemned the killing of Egyptians. He added that he hoped “the coup regime will refrain from exposing more Egyptians to even greater risks by undertaking any irresponsible adventures”.
The pro-Morsi Anti Coup Alliance (ACA) commented on the killings, saying that “there is no difference between the killers of Egyptians abroad and the coup murderers that kill Egyptians at home”.
“They all have spilled the blood of Egyptians under the illegitimate coup regime led by Al-Sisi, who is more interested in grabbing billions of dollars from Gulf States than in defending Egyptians,” the alliance added.
It also said that President Al-Sisi “has provoked neighbouring countries and involved Egypt in their conflicts”.
The Muslim Brotherhood however said that it is “watching the situation in Libya”. The Brotherhood also called upon Egyptians not to let this “crime” be used as “an excuse for new adventures of the Egyptian coup commander to help his ally, the failed coup leader Haftar”.
Former parliamentarian Mohamed Al-Fekki said that “the ongoing war will endanger more than one million Egyptian citizens living in Libya”.
The National Salvation Government in Libya called the airstrikes “a violent attack against the city of Derna, which left seven dead, mostly women and children, and resulted in the destruction of properties and terrorising innocent civilians”.
The government, which publically oppose the regime of Al-Sisi, described the incident as a “violation to sovereignty and breach of international law and UN laws”.
The statement continued, adding that “the airstrikes took place after release of video which allegedly claimed it was shot in Tripoli and shows the murder of 21 Coptic Christians, without showing any proof”. It also added that “this is an attempt to blame the real problems in Egypt on other countries”.
The government demanded that the international community condemn the airstrikes, and pressure Egyptians to stop such practices.
The government’s Higher Council for Defence also released a statement saying that “although we condemn terrorism, we mourn the dead Libyans and Egyptians, and condemn this humiliating interference in Libyan affairs”.
It added that “policies by General Al-Sisi after the failure of his coup in Egypt damaged the historical relations between the two countries”.
The National Salvation Government is a parallel government that opposes the current internationally-recognised Tripoli government.