• 01:33
  • Wednesday ,11 February 2015

Egyptian missiles

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,11 February 2015

Egyptian missiles

As we experience a difficult time in Egypt with many conspiracies aiming to destroy the Egyptian army that became a savior, not only for Egypt, but also for the gulf countries.


Additionally, the Egyptian armed forces stand as an obstacle before the implementation of the Zionist plans to divide and destroy the Islamic and Arab countries for the benefit of Israel. 


These plans are being carried out by agents, traitors and Egyptian media. They try to eliminate the reason of the Egyptians and turn them away from the critical moment they have in Egypt right now. Egyptian soldiers are sacrificing their souls like what happened in battalion 101, which made the president return from Ethiopia to lead the meeting


The Egyptian Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. After the meeting he made two announcements that came like two mighty missiles. First, he said that Sinai should belong to Egypt and we won’t let it manipulated by the terrorists, even if we die to achieve this goal. Second, he said that supporters of terrorism are well known and will be taken revenge from.


It’s a clear message to America, Turkey and Qatar. Egypt announces to fight terrorism and eliminate it. I invite the Egyptian people to ignore all kind of agitator media that don’t seek the good of their country. Egyptians have to support their president in his fierce war against terrorism. They also have to support his great projects to revive the Egyptian economy. It should be known that Egyptian police and army are the real guards of Egypt and her future.