• 02:12
  • Tuesday ,10 February 2015

Alleged members of ‘Deterrence in Alexandria’ arrested


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,10 February 2015

Alleged members of ‘Deterrence in Alexandria’ arrested

A total of 29 have been arrested for creating an alleged terrorist cell affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which calls itself “Deterrence,” Youm7 reported Monday.A total of 29 have been arrested for creating an alleged terrorist cell affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which calls itself “Deterrence,” Youm7 reported Monday.

The prosecution accuses the group of carrying out 43 acts of sabotage and arson in Alexandria. The defendants range between 14 and 40, but the majority are in their twenties.
A number of movements have been established since the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, including Deterrence, Brigades of Popular Resistance, Ajnad Misr, Revolutionary Punishment, and the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hasm.
The movements mainly target police officers and stations, power plants, electric towers, water plants, public buses and other public utilities.