• 02:25
  • Monday ,09 February 2015

Salafist Nour Party would join electoral list with ex-NDP members


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,09 February 2015

Salafist Nour Party would join electoral list with ex-NDP members

The Nour Party would appear on the same electoral list as former members of the National Democratic Party (NDP), as long as they are not implicated in corruption, its leader has said.The Nour Party would appear on the same electoral list as former members of the National Democratic Party (NDP), as long as they are not implicated in corruption, its leader has said.

Younes Makhioun, leader of the country’s largest Salafist party, said he would “not mind” an alliance with anyone who is “not involved in violence.”
NDP, the party of ousted president Hosni Mubarak, was dissolved by a court order in April 2011. 
Makhioun said Nour would not have an alliance with anyone associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, and warned that “sympathisers” of the group were hoping to run in the upcoming parliamentary election.
The Muslim Brotherhood was designated as terrorist organisation in December 2013. Its political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party, which secured 37.5 percent of the seats in the 2012 parliament, was dissolved by a court ruling in 2014. 
The Nour Party was the only Islamist party to support the ouster of Mohamed Morsi, who hails from the Muslim Brotherhood.
Makhioun said his party was seeking strong representation in the new parliament.  
Nour Party secured 27.8 percent of the seats in the 2012 parliament.