• 04:42
  • Tuesday ,03 February 2015

Was it useful?

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,03 February 2015

Was it useful?

Having seen what happened on 25 and January 26, 2015, I mean too much sabotage, bombs, destruction and killing of 23 people including the child Mina Maher. The Muslim Brotherhood has been doing this for 4 years. This destruction costs too much and affects the economy and stability too badly.

I can tell that the Egyptian state is not doing its best to fight such terrorism. It hesitates to take serious actions. It may fear many voices of the traitors like Saad El Din Ibrahim and others. This happened at the death of Shimaa who was killed by bullets of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Police are facing a conspiracy after the traitors made sure it is recovering its strength.  The Muslim Brotherhood destroyed the neighborhood of Matarya and killed many people under the supervision of police. Yet, those traitors mourned Shimaa and forgot about the real victims including the child Mina, which caused a great sense of depression among the Egyptians. We didn't learn the lesson from France and how it faced terrorism, and kept neglecting the precious Egyptian blood and dignity as well.

I said many times that we are in fierce war against terrorism. Yet the president is still asking the media and business men to support Egypt, and the clergy to change the religious discourse in order to reveal the true religion of Islam and fight extremism. Yet, this style was not useful.

Once again, I say that we have to immediately issue the law of terrorism and fight terrorism firmly. We have to do something before it's too late. It’s now or never.