• 01:48
  • Monday ,02 February 2015

Sisi to meet party leaders


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Monday ,02 February 2015

Sisi to meet party leaders

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will meet on Sunday with several heads of political parties to tackle security developments in Sinai. 

Mohamed Esmat al-Sadat, president of Development and Reform Party, said he received an invitation from the presidency to take part in the meeting, expecting Sisi to discuss the current political situation especially in Sinai in the wake of the recent terrorist attack against security establishments on Thursday which left scores of victims and injured.
Speaking to Al-Masry Al-Youm, Sadat said that parties should clarify their role in the war against terrorism, especially as Sisi seeks unity of all segments and categories of the society against terrorism.
Omar al-Mokhtar, Chief of Conference Party, who was also invited to attend the meeting, said the party members are ready to defend the country against terrorism, urging support by people toward police and military. “No alternative for building the country. There should be a hand that builds, while another one holds weapons to unroot terrorism,” he said.
Mohamed Abul Ghar, chief of Democratic Egyptian Party, said he was invited by the defense minister to attend the meeting, expecting several political and military figures to attend in order to explain the circumstances of the recent attacks either in Sinai or those witnessed at several provinces on the fourth anniversary of the 2011 revolution.