• 01:41
  • Friday ,30 January 2015

Where will we be?

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,31 January 2015

Where will we be?

Anybody who has a right mind, or a "good head" on their shoulders would i'll ask the same question, "what is going to happen next?" We have witnessed the destruction of our beloved country by the hands of the Muslim Anybody who has a right mind, or a "good head" on their shoulders would i'll ask the same question, "what is going to happen next?" We have witnessed the destruction of our beloved country by the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is not just us has to face tragedy. Look at Libya, Syria, Canada, France. Our livelihood as a nation has been forever changed because of the animalistic acts of Islamic fanatics.

I, for one, am all about freedom of choice. Wear whatever you want, say whatever you want, be whoever you want. But the minute your actions start affecting other people's lives, no I did not mean through temptation or any other garbage, It immediately becomes unacceptable. Nobody has the right to take away your civil liberties. Nobody has the right to make you be afraid to walk on the street. Nobody has the right to take your life when it is not your time. 
The Muslim Brotherhood are NOT acting in Gods honour. Through their actions they are playing God. Nobody but God can decide when it is your time to die, so why are extremists taking that decision into their hands? Islam, can be thought of as a religion of violence. moderate Muslims, defendants of the Koran, claim that Islam is a religion of peace. So how did terrorists make that leap from peace which is written in the Koran to destruction? Has it been one crazy person all along, brainwashing all the other people? Do you think perhaps terrorists have some kind of block in their mind that does not allow them to make logical decisions?
I really can't understand in what way are religion would justify the killing of innocent women, innocent children, innocent groups of people in the name of their. It is not just us that has to face tragedy. Look at Libya, Syria, Canada, France. Our livelihood as a nation has been forever changed because of the animalistic acts of Islamic fanatics.
This leads me to ask, where will be in five or ten years? At what point do we gather as a united world against terrorism? I think it's getting really close to the point where we have to wake up and make some serious decisions regarding our future.