• 05:10
  • Thursday ,29 January 2015

2 injured, donkey killed in blast in Sharqia

By The Cairo Post

Home News


Thursday ,29 January 2015

2 injured, donkey killed in blast in Sharqia

A street vendor and his sister were injured following an explosion in a market in Egypt’s Delta governorate of Sharqia Wednesday, Youm7 reported.

The explosion killed the donkey which was pulling their cart.

Civil protection forces combed the market in search for other potential bombs, some vendors preferred to stay with their goods while others ran after hearing the blast sound.

In a separate incident in another village in Sharqia, a fire broke out in an electricity transformer. Protection forces controlled the fire and technical experts were assigned to fix the damages that occurred in the transformer.

This is not the first time an electricity transformer has been targeted in the governorate as, according to official numbers, some 24 transformers were bombed during the past year with a loss estimated at 2,7  m EGP,

An ATM machine of a private bank in Sharqia’s town of Abu Kabeer was hit Wednesday morning by an explosive device. No theft or injuries were reported.