• 05:07
  • Wednesday ,28 January 2015

Youm7 receives ‘terrorist’ attack threats on Facebook

By The Cairo Post

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,28 January 2015

Youm7 receives ‘terrorist’ attack threats on Facebook

Youm7 issued a statement to the security forces over “terrorist” attack threats against its headquarters and a number of the newspaper’s heads Tuesday.Youm7 issued a statement to the security forces over “terrorist” attack threats against its headquarters and a number of the newspaper’s heads Tuesday.

A number of Facebook pages affiliated to alleged terrorist groups called “Islamic Resistance Movement – Hasm” published posts warning that they are going to attack the newspaper.

“With complete confidence we say, you cannot confront us. Protect yourselves if you can. Today you know we do not [just] say, but we can really act.”

Anwar Al-Refaey, Youm7 legal Counsel said in statements Tuesday, the newspaper received “terrorist” attack threat during the past few hours, including threatening major Youm7 journalists.

“These Facebook pages posted the cell phone numbers of some of the journalists working for the newspaper along with their home addresses, which reflects their Inciting behavior towards journalists.”

In August 2013, Youm7 was targeted with random fire shooting between gunmen and security forces, as three bullets penetrated the newspaper’s windows in the direction of working journalists; after hours of panic security forces controlled the situation and scanned the whole building for possible threats