• 05:52
  • Monday ,26 January 2015

Curfew extended in Sinai for 3 months


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Monday ,26 January 2015

Curfew extended in Sinai for 3 months

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb extended curfew in Sinai for three months starting 25 January 2015 until 25 April, Cabinet Spokesperson Hossam al-Qawish told Al-Masry Al-Youm Sunday.

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi issued a presidential decree on 24 October 2014 announcing the state of emergency in North Sinai for three months upon the recommendation of the National Defense Council.
The restive Sinai Peninsula has witnesses frequent attacks against security forces since the ouster of former Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsy. The terrorist organization formally known as Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis pledged its loyalty to the Islamic State, changing its name to the Islamic State of Egypt. The group has claim responsibility for many fatal attacks and bombings throughout Egypt.