• 01:49
  • Monday ,26 January 2015

Protest dispersed outside press syndicate


Home News


Monday ,26 January 2015

Protest dispersed outside press syndicate

Security forces fired teargas at group of protesters outside the press syndicate in Cairo on Sunday, which marks the fourth anniversary of the January 2011 uprising.

Protesters fled to nearby streets, as security forces arrested some of them, eye-witnesses told Aswat Masriya.
The protest included people injured during the 2011 uprising, while a group of supporters of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi also gathered nearby.
Eye-witnesses reported skirmishes between both groups before the protest’s dispersal.
Protesters chanted against "military rule", calling for retribution for those killed during the uprising.
In anticipation of protests, security measures across Cairo have been heightened, specifically around major squares.
Tahrir square, located in Downtown Cairo, is considered one of the symbols of the uprising. Military vehicles have been situated at the entrances of the square and on roads leading to it, MENA reported.
Eleven people were killed nationwide on the anniversary day so far, state televison reported, citing the Health Ministry.