• 06:00
  • Friday ,23 January 2015

Tamarod will not participate in Jan 25 demonstrations

By The Cairo Post

Home News


Friday ,23 January 2015

Tamarod will not participate in Jan 25 demonstrations

The Tamarod political movement, which played an instrumental role in mobilizing support for the ouster of former present Mohamed Morsi, announced Thursday it would not take part in any demonstrations in commemoration of the January 25 Revolution, Youm7 reported.
Movement spokesperson Abd Al-Aziz Abdullah told Youm7 the group feels “suspicious” of Muslim Brotherhood calls for demonstrations on the same day.
He explained that the movement was “afraid” that other political powers might “use” these demonstrations to instigate violent acts and riots. “We will avoid being in the street that day, [so as] not to make any clashes with them.”
On Jan. 20, the Salafi Nour Party announced they would not participate in any demonstrations during the anniversary. Ahmed Al-Qatan, a member of the party’s Supreme Commission, said they are currently preparing for the party’s final electoral program for the parliament elections, scheduled to begin in March and last until early May.
Tamarod was unable to register as a political party – hoping to participate the elections  – in December, when the Parties Affairs Committee refused to accept Tamarod’s paperwork due to reported problems with party’s governing structure.