• 01:13
  • Friday ,23 January 2015

The tragedy of the Copts in Libya

Nabil Sharaf el-Din

Article Of The Day


Friday ,23 January 2015

The tragedy of the Copts in Libya

Libya has recently witnessed series of heinous crimes, including the kidnapping of 24 Coptic Christians who were in their way back to Egypt or at their homes. It was not a mere coincidence that all of them belong to the province of Minya. This came days after a Coptic family was brutally killed in Libya as well by fanatics.

On the other hand, Egyptian Foreign Ministry could only warn its citizens from traveling to Libya in order to save their lives.

Military experts believe that the situation in Libya has become a real threat to National Egyptian security, especially after ISIS claimed responsible for kidnapping the Copts.

More than 300 armed militias fighting in Libya like Fagr Libya, Zentan militias and the national army. On the map, we can find jihadists concentrated in Zaltin and Tripoli, while Rafala Alshaty dominated Derna and Benghazi. Ansar al-Sharia militias control Benghazi, Derna and Ajdabiya, while February 17 militias control the eastern cities.

«Wilson Center for Research» in Washington criticized the Western position, saying that the West is not willing help Libya that became not able even to protect state institutions. They really do nothing to support and rebuild Libya.

Kidnapping the Copts in Libya is making escalating pressure that aims to incite a sectarian strife in Libya and deteriorate the situation even more.