• 06:03
  • Wednesday ,21 January 2015

Sisi to release some arrested activists on Jan 25 anniversary

By The Cairo Post

Home News


Wednesday ,21 January 2015

Sisi to release some arrested activists on Jan 25 anniversary

President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi announced Monday the government is preparing a list of arrested activists and journalists to be released during the fourth anniversary of the January 25 Revolution,Youm7 reported.
He added during his meeting with a media delegation in UAE that the decision is going to ease the situation in Egypt and make it clear that there is no “targeting of youth or activists”, he explained the arrested activists he would release either did not commit anything wrong, or “slightly crossed the rules in an acceptable way.” Sisi was on a two-day visit to the United Arab Emirates.
Nasser Amin, an activist and NCHR member wrote on his twitter account Monday that releasing those arrested activists cannot be count as a pardon, saying “it’s a right to be given back as they have been tried in an unjust way .., they should be released with the state’s apology.”
In November 2013, a protest law went into effect, criminalizing any political demonstration without previous authorization from security forces.
According to Youm7, a number of the parties and political powers have begun to draft a list of prisoners  they hope would be released, that they plan to send to the presidency.
Ahmed el-Behery, spokesperson of the Popular Current stated Tuesday that they will cooperate with other parties to collect the names of arrested activists as much as they can in order to submit it for consideration.
He added that they would demand the release of all prisoners, including those don’t belong to any specific political power or party.