• 05:56
  • Tuesday ,20 January 2015

Is the Egyptian state supporting the Muslim Brotherhood?

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,20 January 2015

Is the Egyptian state supporting the Muslim Brotherhood?

Master of the terrorists denounced the participation of Arab kings and presidents at the anti terrorist international demonstration in Paris. This city that welcomed great scholars to learn including Sheikh Mohammed Abdu, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, and Taha Hussein, was hit by terrorism that killed 12 intellectuals and journalists, as well as three police men. This master of terrorsits denounces the participation of Arab kings and presidents.

Such denouncement means he wants Arab countries to support such terrorist attack and killing of innocent people. It also means he supports killing those innocent “infidels” when they only gave Muslims the right to work and stay in their home countries as they believe in peaceful coexistence among all human beings, without distinction between sex, religion or race or color.

This terrorists’ master is Younis Zaki Abdul Aziz Makhion, who was invited President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as the head of the biggest religious based parties. How come we welcome such man as we are still suffering from terrorism and our police men are killed by terrorists whom he supports?

Makhion said at the end of the day that the president said we have to accept one another at the current stage. He added that the president said elimination is not acceptable at the current stage. With such announcement, we should surrender to the powerful Islamic parties in Egypt and its parliament.