• 13:56
  • Wednesday ,31 December 2014

Smart thought of Adly Abadir

Ezzat Boulos

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,31 December 2014

Smart thought of Adly Abadir

Five years have passed since the departure of Mr. Adly Abadir. As time passes, we make sure we lost such patriot Coptic activist. All Coptic activists know his contribution to the cause was great. In fact, he is the only Coptic activist who sacrificed that much of his time and money for the Coptic cause. He founded and financed Copts United electronic newspaper to express the voices of Copts all over the world. 

Adly Abadir has played a significant role in his last days to motivate the government to care for the Copts and to encourage the Copts to claim their rights. He had strong charisma that enabled him to perform such significant role.
Many people have organized conferences and wrote articles for that purpose; however, none was able to achieve such results. He founded a strong news website, Copts United, which has a great impact on its readers all over the world.
Great people make their history by their glorious works. Among them comes the name of Mr. Adly Abadir. His thoughts should have guided many Copts to the right path. Abadir is "Egyptian to the bone", as he likes to be called. He loves all Egyptians and knew his goal. He strived to achieve such goal fearing nobody or death. Adly Abadir will indeed live forever in our hearts.