• 02:23
  • Wednesday ,10 December 2014

International Islamic Council for Da’wah and Relief revokes Qaradawi membership


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,10 December 2014

International Islamic Council for Da’wah and Relief revokes Qaradawi membership

The International Islamic Council for Da’wah and Relief revoked the membership of Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi for mixing politics with religion, Youm7 reported Tuesday.The International Islamic Council for Da’wah and Relief revoked the membership of Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi for mixing politics with religion, Youm7 reported Tuesday.

The council, headed by Grand Imam Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, made the ruling during their meeting along with other major figures from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
The council also decided that to drop the membership of Islamic Relief Organization in London, following evidence that they were transferring money to the Rabaa al-Adaweya sit-in.
Qaradawi, who is known for his support of the Muslim Brotherhood, is based in Qatar and was listed this week on Interpol’s wanted list on accusations of murder, helping prisoners to escape, arson, vandalism and theft.
Wagdy Ghoneim, 63, another Islamic preacher supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood as well as a fierce critic of the ouster of Morsi, was also placed on the Interpol list. He is accused of premeditated murder, violence acts, torturing and possession of weapons.
The Interpol list of the Egyptian nationals wanted by judicial authorities also includes business tycoon Hussein Salem, 81, who was sentenced in absentia to 10 years in prison over charges of profiteering and illegally selling electricity. He is currently residing in Spain. Salem was acquitted last week for graft, but the Attorney General said he plans to appeal the verdict.