• 23:52
  • Friday ,15 August 2014

Pope Tawadros weekly sermon 13 August 2014: Virtues and obstacles of the life of satisfaction




Saturday ,16 August 2014

Pope Tawadros weekly sermon 13 August 2014: Virtues and obstacles of the life of satisfaction
Let's revise the virtues; the 1st virtue is to thank Christ permanently, the 2nd one is to depend on Him completely and the 3rd one is that the goal of the life of the satisfied person is Christ, because the life of satisfaction grants you the chance to live with Christ; you both become close to each other.
Let me remind with the famous story of St. Bishoy when his disciples wanted to see Christ; St. Bishoy used to see the Lord, talk to Him directly, enjoy and be comforted with seeing Him, and so his disciples asked him to see the Lord just like him. He answered them, saying; fine, let's go up the mountain where we can see Him.