• 02:11
  • Tuesday ,12 August 2014

Darwish: Islamic history included decapitation, women captivity and displacement of Christians


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Tuesday ,12 August 2014

Darwish: Islamic history included decapitation, women captivity and displacement of Christians

Samir Darwish, editor-in-chief of New Culture magazine, said that the so-called Arab Spring has represented the Islamic groups and Islamic rule once again. Such armed groups and organizations were able to cross the borders.Samir Darwish, editor-in-chief of New Culture magazine, said that the so-called Arab Spring has represented the Islamic groups and Islamic rule once again. Such armed groups and organizations were able to cross the borders.

He added that Islamic history included similar scenes of decapitation, women captivity and displacement of Christians, but they link them now to Islam.

Darwish added that many people fear to discuss ideas related to Islam as they may be accused of infidelity.

On the other hand, Dr. Ali Mabrouk, professor of Islamic philosophy at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, said that Islam separates between religion and politics, but it has many experiences with politics. Moreover, political Islam has used the idea of the Islamic Caliphate to spread in the Arab worlds.