• 02:25
  • Friday ,07 March 2014

Egyptian premier assures nation polls will be held


Home News


Friday ,07 March 2014

Egyptian premier assures nation polls will be held

Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab has affirmed that his government will act to ensure holding of free presidential polls.

Forthcoming presidential elections, to be held as part of the "road map," would "pass peacefully and we will be in control of security and the people will elect their president," Mahlab said in a televised statement, late on Wednesday.
He urged the Egyptian people to stand alongside the next president "in shadow of the hard circumstances in the country.
"States that have succeeded in resolving their crises have a visionary leader backed by the people." Appealing to state officials to perform their duties, the premier said, "We either make victory or fall as martyrs, we are at war, and the ones who cannot do so, they better tender their resignation." Current enormous problems in Egypt "warrant urgent surgeries," Mahlab stressed, noting the urgent and pressing need for collective efforts to tackle the country economic ailments.
Egypt has been at a crucial cross-road in its modern-time history since downfall of the former president, Hosni Mubarak. Mohammed Mursi of the (now outlawed) Muslim Brotherhood organization, who came to power later, had been also ousted.