• 01:39
  • Thursday ,06 March 2014

New mixture by new government!

Dr. Ahmed Al-Khamisi

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,06 March 2014

New mixture by new government!

In his very first speeches after taking office, Ibrahim Mehleb, Egypt’s Prime Minister, repeated the speech given on July 11 by former Prime Minister Beblawy who promised then to fight terrorism, take care of security, and development projects. Both of them talked generally about crises in Egypt, but the only difference is that Mehleb decided to stop buying mineral water in governmental offices. General speeches doesn’t reveal a plan if existed. Furthermore, they decided to come up with a strange ministry with vague goals and nurture called Ministry of Transitional Justice!

Mehleb has made his government looks like the former ones of Mubarak. In fact, he himself was one of Mubarak’s men and brought 17 minister from Hisham Qandil and Beblawy, which means it would be a short-term government that will expire by the end of presidential and parliamentary elections.
Unfortunately, the Egyptian people has not realized an economic reform since the revolution of January 25. Additionally, urgent crises like traffic, trash, electricity and water are not solved yet. 
Having so many short-term governments is a sign of serious political crisis, similar to that one experienced by Egypt after the great fire of Cairo on July 26, 1952. Four successive shot-term governments couldn’t solve the crisis and a big revolution was needed to achieve the missed stability in the country. Then, came the revolution of July 1952 that made a real change.
As we suffer under so many crises, we hear Mehleb talking about production and work. I wonder: When did we stop working and producing! Furthermore, he refuses any sit-ins or strikes, which means the poor don’t have the right to complain no matter what happens or whatever they suffer. What a great start by a new government!